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Bataji 20 A, Brkač
52424 Motovun, Hrvatska

Fakin from Bataji 

Beneath the historic town of Motovun, westward towards Vižinada, lies the village of Brkač, surrounded by numerous vineyards of Istrian Malvasia and Teran. In the midst of these vineyards is the hamlet of Bataji, home to the Fakin family winery, deeply rooted in agriculture for generations. For the past 40 years, Elio Fakin has been managing the estate, and alongside him, his son Marko, who, in 2010, decided to dedicate himself more seriously to viticulture.

Today, Marko and his wife Bety, alongside Elio, lead a successful winery renowned throughout the region. Their wines have garnered numerous awards, both on the domestic and international stages. The Fakins cultivate 40 hectares of vineyards, with plans to expand to 50, coinciding with the construction of a new, modern cellar set to begin soon.

They craft their successful wine story with indigenous grape varieties, Istrian Malvasia, Teran, and Muscat. Present in the market with about ten wine labels, their flagship wines include "La Prima" Istrian Malvasia and "Il Primo" Teran. In addition to the winery in the center of Motovun, they also run a family restaurant offering various dishes based on seasonal ingredients with a focus on truffles.